THEATER 2013 Solo Yo Culpable


GENRE: Theater

DESCRIPTION: A drama en espanol taking us through two humanities leased to loneliness.

PERFORMS: Friday, July 19 @ 9pm; Saturday, July 20 @ 10:30pm. (The Wild Project, 195 E. 3rd St, NY, NY)



¿Solo yo culpable? Reflexión sobre el recorrido “no elegido” de dos mujeres, que reciben el entrelazado de sus vidas en un lugar donde el tiempo no es medido en la misma cadencia en el que se mueve su universo; ellas dentro de una celda abarcan la vida con un vacío heredado. La sociedad genera, en su amargo recorrido, virutas que caminan en el margen, tratando de entrar con un profundo deseo de escapar, la contradicción es un arma para ellas que expande la flama en su contra.
Cuando tu tiempo no cuenta, el asidero es imprescindible…, un taller de teatro nos lleva a recorrer dos humanidades alquiladas a la soledad, no es suya pero la habitan, un hombre un compañero a la postre, les tiende una mano y con ella una fantasía a recorrer con sus propias indeterminaciones e inseguridades. El camino es endeble pero real.
Un curso de teatro va a ser la clave en la cárcel para que dos mujeres ahonden en dos vidas marginales, es un camino y a la vez es el camino.

Is it only me guilty? It’s a reflection on the “unelected” course of two women, who receive the interlacing of their lives in a place where time is not measured in the same cadence in which their universe moves; them two, inside a prison from where they cover a life with inherited emptiness. The society generates, in its bitter walking, shavings that walk at the margin, trying to get in with a deep desire to escape, the contradiction is a weapon for them to expand the flame against themselves.
When your time does not count, the handle is a must … a drama workshop takes us through two humanities leased to loneliness, it’s not theirs but they live in it, a man a partner in the end, give them a hand and with it a fantasy to go with their own uncertainties and insecurities. The road is weak but real.
A theater workshop will be the key to the prison to have two women will deepen on two marginal lives, is a journey and it is also the way.