a portrait of a decade: Ensemble from our 2019 mainstage musical, “Here To Recruit You” – the Harvey Milk story focusing on the 1960s

A “Survival” campaign: Like many performing arts companies large and small, the COVID-19 epidemic has impacted our varied programs as well as our ability to obtain public funding. We need your help more than ever, and no donation is too small.

> A 40-second Message from our Executive Director <


GOLD SEAL 3rd Year in a Row! We have earned a Gold Seal for Fiscal Transparency from GUIDESTAR, the Non-Profit’s watchdog organization in Candid – part of The Foundation Center.

The Federal “CARES ACT” for Charities – Many STATES have adopted this so you can take a tax deduction on your State taxes, EVEN if you DO NOT Itemize! Up to maximum of $300. (or up to your total AGI if you do itemize; check with your State tax forms.)



If you already have PayPal,  All gifts are free to send:

Click the “Paypal Donation” link below to make your tax-deductible donation online.



Mail your tax-deductible gift (checks payable to: All Out Arts, Inc)
to:  All Out Arts, 244 Fifth Ave.  Box L228
New York, NY 10001-7604



Fresh Fruit needs seeds to grow. Please help ensure that Fresh Fruit continues presenting unique artistic works of the highest quality, and helping new LGBTQ artists and technicians to develop, by making a tax-deductible donation now to All Out Arts (our parent organization since starting in 2002).

All Out Arts, Inc. is a federally registered 501(c)(3) charity – and licensed in New York State. The Fresh Fruit Festival is the primary expression of our mission, and is a DBA owned by All Out Arts.

Donations of $600+ become Fresh Fruit Festival Supporters, are mentioned in our programs, and receive special offers from Fresh Fruit Festival and our international network of dynamic LGBTQ artists all year long.