2017 Art Essay
“O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!”
– Robert Burns
Guided at first by Robert Burns’ wish for a gift “to see ourselves as others see us,” we have moved through existential needs for what Malreaux termed “images powerful enough to deny our own nothingness,” and arrive in a new age. Summarizing the modern point of view neatly in his powerful Masters thesis for OCAD University, Henrique Alves de Assis sees the phenomenon of the ‘gay selfie’ as, among many other things, “a type of positive image-construction.”
As I have warned in a recent Op-Ed piece for Gay City News, how we construct this image is of profound importance in our “America Made Great Again – where bullying has made new inroads into what is acceptable behavior, and a great dumbing-down of the populace is accepted as pleasing to the masses.” Never easy, the problems of self image for LGBT people have suddenly become critical. To all who grapple with these questions we dedicate this season’s topic:
PERSONAL VISIONS – In a time of crisis
– Louis Lopardi, Executive Director
This is a FREE service by All Out Arts, made possible through the generosity of New York City and the New York City Council. There are no fees to the artist or to viewers. There are no commissions due on sales. Please contact artists directly via the Visit The Artist tag.
The Exhibition is open to individual artists making an activist statement, as well as non-profit organizations of service to LGBT artists in their activism. To SUBMIT ART to this Exhibit click > HERE <
Visit the 2017 Gallery: PERSONAL VISIONS – In a time of crisis
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