Technical Help for Festival 2023
It’s that time again! – Caution, Festival approaching! (our 21st year)
And we’re looking for 3 good people. [4/24/23-5/7/23].
Because we “double cast” our tech jobs, NOBODY is overworked!
ONE of our 2 Lighting TDs is busy, so we need 1 extra, p/t 2 weeks.
ONE of our 2 ‘Logistics Stg Mgrs.’ likewise, so we need 1.
AND- our paid “Joan Thornburg Internship” in Production Management is OPEN.
Festival TDs (DESIGNER/BOOTH TECH) Associate:
$1800 to $1900 stipends. This is non-union, independent contractor position in a new 89-seat house. You invoice under your professional name; all invoices are paid before Festival closes. Part-Time for 14 days. (No morning calls except Mondays; No late nights). An Associate TD shares the schedule.
- Customize basic show lighting from existing fixed rep-plot, no specials.
- Programming of ETC ELEMENT computer lighting board.
- Running a Tech Rehearsal, and run basic shows (light + simple sound*).
- Knowledge of projected-video basic hookups*. (a permanent system is installed)
- Knowledge of basic sound reinforcement setups.
- Basic Maintenance of lighting instruments as necessary.
- Familiarity with theater-festival milieu & enforcing tech-rehearsal schedules.
- Ability to politely say “No” in several languages is sometimes helpful.
- * Shows with any video or computer sound needs provide their own extra booth technician.
We need a T.S.M. present at the start of most daytime TECHS – varying by day. Schedule is Shared between 2. $600-700 (week based on time commitment). Assist our Prodn. Mgr. time permitting.
The basics, per Each standard show:
- Assign and keep track of Spike-Tape colors.
- Assign storage space, dressing rm space, to shows, for prop/set bins. (and dressing room space for costuming if needed).
- Help them with the Logistics of their performances set-up & temporary strike; assist with load-in/out schedules.
- Assist TD in any audio setup (for 2 musical plays) is done safely and properly.
- Write the above arrangements, in our “Booth Book”.
- (Assure that someone on our staff sees these and covers shows’ 1st Performance set up & strike).
Use the Contact Us form to respond with Resume, Ref, and short note of interest.