Festival Links
To better understand the inner workings of the Main-Stage Festival, examine this offering of Data-sheets, Frequently Asked Questions, Technical documents, and Photographs stored on Dropbox. You will not need a Dropbox account. Most items are in PDF format. We welcome your suggestions on what we might add.
A general catch-all: The “Festival FAQ” tries to answer the most often asked questions, at least in brief. Important topics have their own expanded document. This document contains notes on: Equity Showcases; Comps; Discounts; Group Shows; Long Shows; some Marketing; Video- or Photo-Calls; your Programs; Projections &Video; Sets Props, & Costumes; the Festival Website. Start with this one: Festival FAQ
Financials: There are no application or participation fees. There is a small, totally refundable Security Deposit due upon acceptance into the Festival. This will be returned along with any box-office shares due to you. The following documents & folders explain more:
- Final Accounting – How the Festival calculates each show’s return or share of the box office.
- Tech Photos – A Folder of photos from various shows’ Tech Rehearsals, to show a variety of staging possibilities and solutions. Always in-progress.
- Set Pieces Shared – A Folder of photos and specs on the current collection of shared set items. This is always changing, and is finalized in the weeks before opening.
More to come . . . Check back monthly.