The MAINSTAGE portion of the Festival, consisting of a week+ of primarily full-length plays, has been cancelled for this Spring Season. The week of Ancillary Events (“PLAY DEVELOPMENT WEEK” – Serving the Playwright!) WILL RUN as scheduled, March 24 through 30, with an extended contest, a staged reading, and short plays. Details> ..HERE..

Our other Festival divisions – The Monologues-To-Film, and our Fresh Fruit Radio productions of RadioPlays, will continue as planned throughout the Spring.

Our principal venue and theater of residence for the past 11 years, The Wild Project, has been under pressure from the building owner to purchase the building, or it would be put up for sale this month. We therefore were not allowed guaranteed dates for the Mainstage. Without solid dates and enough lead time to prepare, all but 2 plays from the many submitted (and accepted) have understandably already cancelled.

The Wild Project management has raised an amazing amount of funds and civic pledges, and may yet be able to purchase by April 1st as hoped. We pray that they do, and we will once again be a strong supporter of the Wild Project in the years to come, wherever the theater ends up.

-Louis Lopardi, Executive Director, All Out Arts